Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2/26/14 My thoughts on grief (part 2)

What do you see when looking at this picture? The easy answers would be snow, a person, lights & a fence. But I’d like you to change your perception for a moment and see it thru the eyes of grief. For a grieving person…this is how we often feel. Are you wondering what I mean by this statement? Allow me to explain.

Like everything in our lives there is a season, grief is a season; a period of time where those who are grieving feel like it is winter. A dark, cold time; where we feel as if we are alone on our travels.

But if you look closely at the picture you will see some other things that may have been overlooked. Yes it is dark and cold but you see there are other footprints, fencing and lights. All those things remind us that others have travelled this path before us. The footprints remind us that although we may feel as though we are the only ones who have experienced this pain- if we look around we will see that there are others who have walked it before us. Like little beacons, the lights only illuminate a small spot and encourage us to move forward towards the next one. There will be areas that are dim- but that is ok- these are the areas where one light is ending and another is beginning. The fence was put there to guide and protect us along the path and our travels. The last thing one may notice is how bundled up the person is against the cold. I would like to think that this is very much like God’s love; it does not immediately take away the winter but it does provide warmth, protection and act as a buffer against the harsh reality that is ours to experience.

You many have also noticed that this path is not perfectly straight but rather it twists and winds along. As I continue to travel along this path, if I could I would add some things. Perhaps I would add a bench to rest upon when we become weary, or a gate where someone could enter and walk alongside us. There are times when I look forward to the time when Spring will arrive and I can see our lives starting to show life again.

2/26/14- my thoughts on grief (part 1)

It has been so very long I know......and I'm sorry. I've been posting on FB mostly- but a few things have been going on and of course that makes me ponder and think about all kinds of things.

It is almost daily that we add women to our widow group, and to the other website that I help to administer and it makes you think about how many other people are on this journey we call grief. There are all kinds of journeys and each are unique yet on the other hand once we start upon the journey we have a whole new perspective on others pain. But we can still be caught off guard and not know what to say or do for others.

This past week I was told that Carmen's (biological) father died. It was quite odd to hear- I wasn't sure what to say- other than I'm sorry- when my sister in law told me. Reason being I had never met him & I had only heard that he was not a nice man. But I did think how very sad that he chose a path that he thought would make him happy and he lost everything and died alone. From the day I started dating Carmen- the man that I call my father in law- accepted me & is a kind man and sometimes I would wonder- does their father ever think about his 6 kids & their families-does he regret his choices. But no matter if he did or not- I can say with love- they are a crazy bunch but I wouldn't change the times we've had together.

Family was very important to Carmen and still is to me- so as we continue on without him- I try to remind and teach the girls......"Live, Love and Laugh" !!  Live life to the fullest and always do your best, Love with all your heart and soul and don't let others ever change you- rather you be the change and Laugh- life is short and we aren't guaranteed tomorrow- so laugh and enjoy life with those you love !!