8 weeks today. The girls aren't counting the same way that I do....I knew this before....but then when they heard about some 9/11/11 memorials planned....they commented that this time this will be really hard- they will be thinking about all the people who died on 9/11 and that it will be 2 months since Daddy died on the same day.
I'm thinking Carmen would have been very proud of me this weekend. I made the decision to take a trip to the Jersey shore. This was our first trip so far from home without my beloved man !! Of course about 2/3 of the way down there....I heard two songs....and I started crying. It was a few minutes before the girls realized and when they did ...they were concerned. I told them....it's ok....we're going to have times like this !! But then I also told them....the reason I was crying was that Carmen would sing those songs to me & it hurt my heart something fierce....but that it also brought a good memory and for that I am very thankful !!
How do I explain to them....that although my heart breaks over & over daily.....it is the good memories that hold it together? And that since I have both the memories and both of them that Carmen will never be gone ??
This week will also be so hard.........the first week of school was hectic....but this week will get them into a routine & I would normally call Carmen and we would get to talk for a long time each morning. Now after I get them off to school I will have a block of time here alone before I need to head into work. I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS AT ALL !!!!
If you would continue to keep us in your prayers.....and if you think of it & you want to email me - please feel free.
Thanks everyone !!
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